Head Start
Head Start began as an eight-week summer program in 1965 in church basements and unused rooms of public schools. It grew into a year-round, comprehensive, multigenerational development program for children and families. Along the way it has become the largest early childhood and family education program in the county, the leading health referral system for children and the most extensive system for integrating young children with disabilities. It’s one of the oldest such programs in the nation. In August 2015-16, we began our 50th year of operations.
The Head Start Bureau is responsible for overseeing overall operations of the program in accordance with the Head Start Act. The Head Start Act was reauthorized and retitled Improving Head Start for School Readiness in December 2007. It establishes program standards and other regulations that govern the program and through a competitive process selects and funds grantees to provide Head Start services in their local communities.
In addition to the Head Start Bureau staff in Washington, DC, federal Head Start staff are located in 10 regions around the country. PRIDE Community Services Head Start Program is served by Region III, Philadelphia, PA, as well as, Delaware, Maryland, Pennsylvania, Virginia and Washington, DC.
In compliance with the WV Universal Pre-K State Law 2525 and the WV State Day Care Licensing, as well as, the Head Start Performance Standards, PRIDE Head Start collaborates with the local school board.
Our Head Start Program is funded for 251 children and operates on an August through May school schedule. Our children are served through the Logan County Universal Pre-K program, which is a collaboration of PRIDE Head Start and Logan County Board of Education. We provide services for three (3), four (4) and five (5) year olds. Collaborative classrooms and services are provided at Logan Head Start Center, Chapmanville Primary, Logan Elementary, Hugh Dingess Elementary, Man Elementary, Omar Elementary, South Man Elementary, Holden Elementary, Justice Elementary, Verdunville Elementary and Buffalo Elementary. An additional 100 children and families receive partial services in these classrooms. Head Start provides comprehensive education activities, social, nutritional, health and mental health, as well as, transportation for children and their families.
Head Start is the cornerstone of the agency and is the largest grant funded program housed at PRIDE. It is a great asset to the agency, due to the immediate and positive recognition throughout the County.
Laura Herndon
Head Start Director
Phone: 304-752-6868 ext 317
Angie Reagan
Education Manager
Keisha Dotson
Asst. Education Manager
Brianna Stollings
Health & Safety Manager
Tara Rogers
Family Services Manager
Logan County Universal Pre-K
2024-2025 Universal Pre-K Registration
Funding Sources
Department of Health & Human Services
Useful Links
2023-2024 Head Start Annual Report
2022-2023 Head Start Annual Report
Head Start Counties Served